We placed the first Bike Cleaner in March 2021 at Steakhouse Amadeus in Ede. Since then, mountain bikers who cycle the red, purple or green route can use the Bike Cleaner. The bikers who have already used it indicate how happy they are with it!
We are currently in talks with catering locations throughout the Netherlands that are located on or close to a popular, fixed mountain bike route and have ample parking that serves as the starting point of a fixed MTB route.
In The Netherlands we have made agreements with the following locations with the expected date in brackets that a Bike Cleaner will be active:
Beauforthuis, Zeist (actief)
Theehuis 't Hoge Erf, Lage Vuursche (actief)
Visker Cycles, Spaarnwoude (wordt gepland)
Transferium, Harderwijk (actief)
Veluwe Actief, Arnhem (actief)
BBQ De Heuvelrug, Leersum (actief)
Koerscafé Gasselte, Gasselte (actief)
Joe Mann Paviljoen, Best (voorjaar 2022)
Goossens Fietsen, Lochem (actief)
Hotel de Guldenberg, Helvoirt (mei/juni 2022)
T Witte Hoes, Rijssen (actief)
Zweef Inn, Malden (mei/juni 2022)
Transferium Harderwijk, (actief)
Parkeerplaats Treeker Punt, Woudenberg (mei 2022)
Parkeerplaats Burgwal 1, Amerongen (juni 2022)
Camping Nederrijkswald, Berg en Dal (zomer 2022)
Herberg de Pot, Markelo (najaar 2022)
Camping de Zeven Linden, Baarn (zomer 2022)
Our goal is to have national coverage with Bike Cleaners by 2022, so that there is a mtb wash place at all popular mountain bike hubs!
Do you want to stay informed about new Bike Cleaner locations? Then sign up here for our newsletter.
The Bike Cleaner is a fixed column anchored in the ground to clean mountain bikes after a trip through the forest.
As a cyclist you are happy if you can do this immediately afterwards, because on this special bike wash you can spray the dirt off in no time (unlike at home, when it has dried and caked). You pay a small amount for this via a contactless pay terminal. Then you get into the car satisfied with a clean bike, without having to clean a muddy bike and a dirty car when you get home.

You hang your bike on the suspension bracket of the MTB spraying station.

Choose from two options: low water pressure (2 bar) or medium water pressure (8 bar). The medium pressure is slightly more powerful than garden hose pressure, but not as hard as a high-pressure cleaner in a car wash (100+ bar).



Year of establishment
Posted Bike Cleaners
Planned Placements
spotted locations
Do you have any questions, comments or do you think you know a good place for a Bike Cleaner that we haven't discovered yet? Mail us!
Ralph Manck and his team are here for you.